Jim Whitfield Arvada Fire Board of Directors

Vote by mail or drop your ballot off at station 60, the Apex Center, Arvada Fire HQ, or Arvada Community Center on May 6th.  Or vote in person at the Apex Community Center on May 6th.

Listed below is what we have achieved during my last four year term as a member of the Arvada Fire Protection District Board of Directors. As you see below a great deal has been accomplished over the past seven years.  It was a great team effort. Go #Arvadafire
Although I am extremely confident the District will continue to be the gold standard and the best District in the State of Colorado even if I am not re-elected, I would like to see our merger with Fairmount Fire to completion, to continue our efforts to prevent a catastrophic fire event in our community, to see new stations built fiscally responsible, and to share with the leadership of other District’s all that we have learned.  I would encourage any questions you might have as you research the list of candidates running for the AFPD Board.
    • Successfully initiated and provided oversight of the merger with Fairmount Fire
    • Successfully stabilized revenue by passing 6A De-Gallagherization.  Our issue allows the AFPD mil-levy to increase or decrease as the RAR varies
    • Successfully negotiated THREE new CBA agreements with the IAFF 4056 
    • Participated in two successful AFPD CFAI re-accreditation efforts
    • Oversight of AFPD’s efforts to achieve ISO 1 status two times
    • Participated in the new Fire Chief selection process two times
    • Coordinated two internal investigations of the fire-chief and worked to resolve the issue to the betterment of the public, our Fire Chief, and the citizens of the AFPD.
    • Actively participated in the Arvada Chamber Business and Government affairs committee
    • Increased the transparency of the District to our citizens
    • Oversight of the construction of two fire stations
    • Successful participation in the revision of board and member bylaws and handbooks
    • Successful oversight of re-branding of the district.  (www.arvadafireco.gov)
    • Successful oversight of the implementation of a new behavioral health response program
    • you can download your application for a mail-in ballot at this link http://www.arvadafire.com/mail-in-ballot-application

How I serve you 

I  help the District with financial, leadership, construction, and board oversight issues.

    • Oversight of providing services to new areas being included into the Arvada Fire Protection District
    • Oversight of re-building fire stations and structures in a financially 
    • As a six year member of the Colorado Special District Association Board I am aware of issues for fire districts with regard to the residential assessment rate and tax issues and will help in this area.
    • I use my interpersonal skills and experience to negotiate issues and help solve problems
    • I help the District continue its great track record of service to the community. I also hope to see the community outreach project continue to thrive. Did you know that AFPD staff will come to your home and install or replace batteries in your smoke detectors for free ?

I grew up in Arvada and I have been an elected official for 16 years, 7 at AFPD, and 12 at Apex. I have an established track record of being a part of great teams that have been achieving results for our community.

You achieve more by using the correct behaviors and by listening.  I would like to continue to serve our community and need your support and vote.

My experience with Local Government

19 years of experience as an elected official with the AFPD and Apex. 10 years as Board President, 2 years as board Vice-President, 2 years as Treasurer and 2 years as Board Secretary.

  • My Skills
    • Listens to the community and adjust plans to meet their needs
    • Collaborates with other stakeholders to reach a win-win solutions
    • Understands small government budgets and funding and transparency
    • Analyzes complex political and election related situations for positive results
    • Ensures everything can be done internally before considering a tax increase
    • Understands infrastructure and technical engineering issues.
    • Understands workplace technology and social media and marketing
  •  Past results from previous experience
    • Refinanced bonds to save the District taxpayers over $1,000,000
    • Team member that successfully passed the 1st needed mil levy increase
    Team member that successfully passed the Apex Bond renewal
    • Re-negotiated intergovernmental agreements with the City of Arvada
    Completed solar thermal, lighting, heatin, recycling, and other sustainability efforts
    • Negotiated the sale of Park property and the financing to build the Apex Field House with the City of Arvada without raising taxes.
    • Negotiated the new Jefferson County policy to have property deeded to Special Districts with Jefferson County Government
    • Negotiated the exchange of water rights and water usage with the City of Arvada.
    • Interviewed and appointed a new Executive Director for the District.
    • Successfully passed a de-Gallegherization effort of the District
    • Successfully negotiated a CBA agreement for the IAFF 4056 and the District
    • Interviewed and appointed a new Fire Chief for the District

My experience with State Government

6 years of experience on the Colorado Special District Association (SDA) Board. 3 years as board secretary. SDA provides oversight for all special districts in Colorado including Metro (i.e. Highlands Ranch), Fire , Water and Sanitation , Developer, Parks and Recreation , and Ambulance Districts. SDA also acts as a resource to the State House and Senate on legislative issues relevant to Special Districts.

  • My Skills
    • Understands how the various Colorado governmental agencies interact
    • Understands how various Special Districts operate and their key metrics
    • Experiences how efficient and effective government agencies work.
  • Our Results
    • SDA supports, lobbies, and works to pass HB15-1348 that provides County, School District, and Special Districts a seat at the Urban renewal table
    • SDA supports, lobbies, and works to see the first Colorado Water Plan finalized
    • SDA supports, lobbies, and works to pass state amendment 71 that raises the bar to get changes to our state constitution on the election ballot

My experience with our Community

Recently I have been on the Red Rocks Community College Foundation Board, the Arvada Vitality Alliance Board, the Arvada Community Food Bank Foundation Board, and the Arvada Economic Development Association Board. I attended the Metro North Chamber Leadership in 2010. I coached youth and competitive soccer from 2001 to 2010 at the Arvada Soccer Association and youth hockey at the Arvada Hockey Association. I have been both a church and school volunteer while  growing up and raising a family in Arvada.

  • My Skills
    • Understanding of how vital these agencies and other non-profits are to our community
    • The ability to see how non-profits operate and how fundraisers are coordinated.
  • Our Results
    • Created and operated fundraisers for local school organizations
    • Created and operated fundraisers for the Apex PRD Foundation
    • Helped with Arvada Vitality Alliance fundraising activities
    • Assisted with the formation and fundraising for the Arvada Community Food Bank Foundation

My experience at work

I am part owner for a workplace technology company (HCWT) that has been based in Arvada since 1984. I have been a part owner of the firm since 2006. I am responsible for some of our company’s key customers, suppliers, information technology, marketing, and technical support and operations. We used to just sell wire and phones and now we sell workplace technology solutions. I have helped our company make that transition. I have both sales and technical certifications.

  • My Skills 
    • Managing and Leading
    • Budgeting and Selling
    • The basics and fundamentals of good customer service
  • Our Results
    • Retained key accounts
    • Acquired new key accounts
    • Expanded solutions beyond just wire and phones to workplace technology
Cameron Sagers Photo ©


Being engaged in our community provides me a unique insight into the needs and expectations of our citizens and businesses.
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