Segways at Apex Park and Recreation District’s Indian Tree and fiscal responsibility

We usually don’t get too much feedback via email but it is campaign season. We just got some input on the Segways we are trying out at Indian Tree golf course so I thought I’d share some recent correspondence.

Dear Sir,

Sure. First of all the units are on a lease and are not currently being purchased. We got an extremely good deal on the lease and we think it will be something that makes Indian Tree distinctive, which will in turn keep the net income higher at this course relative to other public courses.
In fact, our analysis suggests we may see an increase in interest and subsequent revenue. Public golf is a competitive business.
If you compare the fiscal management of Indian Tree to other local courses you will see what we mean by “fiscally responsible”. In fact paying off the Indian Tree bonds early was a great win for the district’s tax payers.
Hope this explanation helps. I don’t think any of the candidates (Brian Mclaren, Jim Mckee, T.O. Owens, Bob Loveridge, or Ken Harrell) would be in opposition to this recent decision but you are welcome to ask.


Begin forwarded message:
From: A A
Date: April 12, 2010 2:02:06 PM MDT
Subject: Fiscal responsibility

I would like to know how you justify buying 4 Segways at Indian Tree Golf Club, which I understand to be a course that operates in the red most years? Can you tell me what the estimate time-line for paying these of might be because I figure it’ll take the better part of 4-5 years? All the while, that’s money that could be used in much better ways.
A few of you are running for re-election and claim to be ‘fiscally responsible’ and to ‘save tax-payers money.’ I don’t see this as either.
I’ll let you know how I feel about this decision with my vote in May.


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