Why Jim Whitfield for the Apex Park and Recreation Board…?

No successful organization is successful without a team effort and this is very apparent with the success of the Apex Park and Recreation District.  My contributions over my last term are only a part of the total success by Apex Staff, Board, and Foundation members.  Here is a summary of the team’s and my performance since 2006.

1)       Financial

  1. Prepared and campaigned for two ballot issues with staff and board members to present to the voters in 2006.  The capital and operational mill levy that was approved enabled to the District to stabilize its finances operationally and to make capital improvements to many facilities in need of repair.   This was the first successful mill levy increase effort in the 50 year history of the District.
  2. Refinanced Apex and paid off Indian Tree bonds that will enable a tax savings of over $1,000,000 to the district’s residents.

2)       Inter-Governmental – Re-negotiated the inter-governmental agreement with the City of Arvada that had expired in 2003.  This agreement determines how recreational facilities are operated and how costs are shared between Apex and Arvada.  The new agreement is now in place to 2013.

3)       Planning – worked with district, City Council, City APAC, and held community public sessions to finalize and master plan for the district.  The master plan was documented and presented to the community in written, and video format.  (see www.apexprd.org)

4)       Improvements.

  1. As a result of the approval of the Capital and operational ballot initiative that was approved by the voters improvements were made to nearly all the District’s owned or operated facilities.
  2. New turf fields have been added at Long Lake Ranch, proper public facilities are being implemented at the Stenger Sports Complex.

5)       Sustainability – This District has taken a leading role in the Denver Metro Area by implementing a comprehensive sustainability program. This program was initiated in 2006.  New lighting fixtures, insulation, active and passive solar initiatives, and other actions have been implemented to save both power consumption and reduce carbon emissions for the District.

6)       Leadership

  1. As Board President I have negotiated agreements, led board meetings and presentations, advised new board members on District history and policy, and have minimized conflict and facilitated board discussions successfully.  I have worked with other groups like the Arvada Chamber, North Metro Chamber, Arvada Economic Development Association, and the Arvada Urban Renewal Authority on projects and community events relevant to the District.
  2. Implemented the annual Fathers Day 5k race with the help of Director Susan Miller which netted nearly $5,000 towards recreational improvements and continues to grow in popularity as a fund-raising activity for the District.
  3. I have worked with District, City, and other board members to identify and resolve any “outstanding” issues.
  4. Led the “tough decisions” effort to determine and finalize the future of the Fisher pool property given the fact that the ballot issue to replace the pool was not approved by the voters.  The un-repairable and 50 year old pool had to be razed in preparation for future development.

7)       Community – I have taken an active recreational role within the community by participating in District events and actively coaching youth within the district.

This is our track record over my past four year term.  I feel that this performance would warrant your vote to allow me to serve the District for another four years.

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